Unload Your Own Donkey

Part of the popular proverb series, Unload your own Donkey is a selection of sayings from the Gulf region and joins its sister titles, Apricots Tomorrow and The Son of a Duck is a Floater.

These collections of popular wisdom, wittily illustrated by the cartoonist Kathryn Lamb, are books to browse through, smile at and learn from. Each book contains over 100 proverbs from all over the Arab world. Primrose Arnander and Ashkhain Skipwith are both formerly resident in the Middle East.

In hardback.

Our other proverb books.


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‘To understand a people, acquaint yourself with their proverbs’ runs an Arab adage, and here are the books that do just that. The popular Apricots Tomorrow, a selection of sayings from the Gulf region, is joined by its sister title The Son of a Duck is a Floater and the newest book in the series, Unload your own Donkey, which draws on sayings from the Maghreb and Levant. Pairing age-old Arabic sayings with English equivalents, the proverbs highlight the uncanny similarity of inherited wisdom in the East and West.


Additional information

Dimensions 15.2 × 21.6 cm



17 October 2002