22 April 2014

Frances Gillespie will be discussing her book Sea and Shore Life of Qatar at the QP Environment Fair starting this Wednesday.

FrancisGillespieQatar’s well known author and former Coordinator of the Qatar Archaeology Project will be at the Occidental Petroleum stand for the 2014 QP Environment Fair at the Qatar National Convention Centre. Each year Frances presents one of her natural history books and Sea and Shore Life of Qatar is part of her Qatar Nature Explorer series, offering a unique insight into Qatar’s natural history and wildlife. The series is an essential resource for schools and parents.

Frances Gillespie published the first field guide in English to the birds of Qatar, which has now been translated into Arabic, and a series of six books for young readers on the fauna and flora of the country, in English and Arabic. She also acts as scientific editor on a number of publications, and has adapted an educational interactive website on the environment for use in Qatar. Her latest book, Hidden in the Sands, is the result of Frances’ long-held ambition to introduce young people in Qatar to the fascinating story of Qatar’s past. It is published in both English and Arabic and is used in Qatari schools.

FranBooksFrances Gillespie’s books are available from most books shops across Qatar

Frances Gillespie’s books on Amazon.co.uk
Frances Gillespie’s books on Amazon.com