How do I return a book?

If you change your mind about your order, Medina Publishing Ltd operates a ‘no questions asked’ returns policy:

  • You need to return your book within seven working days of the delivery of your order. Our returns policy is in accordance with the UK Distance Selling Regulations. A full refund will be given for the returned items and the original postage costs, but any postage costs incurred when returning your items will be at your own cost.
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After the ‘no questions asked’ seven day period we will be happy to accept items for return in any of the following cases:

  • The item arrived damaged: Medina Publishing Ltd will either replace the item or give you a full refund (including postage costs). Please let us know which option you prefer. If you require a replacement, we will wait to receive the faulty copy from you before despatching a new one.
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If the item does not meet with your requirements we will refund the ordered item only (all postage costs will be incurred by the customer) subject to the following conditions:

  • The book must be returned within 28 days of receipt in the UK, 48 days of receipt in Europe, and 4 months of receipt in any country outside the UK or Europe.
  • It must be returned in pristine condition for reselling.
  • It must be accompanied by a copy of the delivery note or receipt.
  • The book/s should be returned in original packaging to: Medina Publishing Ltd, 310 Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 7AL

How do I return an ebook?

  • Our ebooks are mainly supplied via third party providers such as Amazon. Please refer to the policies of the provider you purchased your ebook from or contact info@medinapublishing if purchased from this website, including your reason for wanting to return the book.