The Woman in White

Wilkie Collins

The Woman in White

What better to way to get your heart racing than this fantastic Victorian thriller by Wilkie Collins? The slithering Count Fosco, with his pungent cigar smoke trailing behind him, is sure to become a figure of nightmares.

The Witches

Roald Dahl


All children need a little scaring, but these toeless, hairless witches will have parents hiding under the covers as well.

The Shining

Stephen King


Warning – this one is going to make you jump.


Daphne du Maurier


A windy house, a lonely widower and mysterious shipwreck all add up to a pretty eerie setting, but they’re not as scary as Mrs Danvers, the housekeeper.

Slade House

David Mitchell


David Mitchell is not known for his horror stories, but Slade House will have you quaking in your shoes.

The Magic Toyshop

Angela Carter


Angela Carter’s novels are full of the weird and wonderful and The Magic Toyshop is no exception. Cryptic, mystical and unnerving, this book is one our favourites.

Gone Girl

Gillian Flynn


The literary sensation from 2014 doesn’t disappoint. You never quite know who’s telling the truth.


Bram Stoker


Castles, hidden passageways and vampires galore in this traditional horror story. Perfect for an autumn afternoon on the sofa.

The Girl on the Train

Paula Hawkins

And last, but not least, we couldn’t leave out the bestselling The Girl on the Train. Paula Hawkins will have you looking over your shoulder on your morning commute in this fantastic thriller.